How to Engage Children in Music

Is your school looking to re-discover its love and passion for singing?

Would your choir benefit from enhanced teacher skills?

Do you need to feel more confident leading singing within your school?

Then our CPD training for Primary School Teachers is just for you as the programme is designed for non-music specialists to gain knowledge and develop their skills to help revitalise and develop singing in your school.

Led by experienced professionals you will learn:

  • Why singing is vital to the health and wellbeing of children
  • How to make choir sessions fun and productive
  • Helping children find the pitch
  • Getting to grips with rhythm
  • Singing in harmony
  • How to structure Choir rehearsals

Each course is adjusted to the requires of the attendees.  You will also receive a pack relating to all the activities and songs delivered on the training day.

Remember singing is for all abilities and a school choir can include all those who may struggle in some areas of the curriculum but in the school choir they can shine.

The training is linked to the Four Core Purposes of the Welsh National Curriculum.

Cost £150.00 including lunch.

Interested then contact us for more information about a course in your area.

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Our Schools Say...

This unique event has allowed our pupils to gain insight into the world of performing at an early age. It has opened their eyes to exciting possibilities! I would highly recommend any school to take part!
HEAD TEACHER - Adamsdown Primary School, Cardiff
Our pupils and families had a unique experience that will be treasured and never forgotten. It was a privilege to see those participants relishing the experiences. I must also say that the Musical Director is an absolute genius.
HEAD TEACHER - Bodringallt Primary, Ystrad Rhondda
My pupils had an amazing time and the experience will definitely be remembered for many years to come. All the staff at the school are very proud of what was achieved and have also been inundated by messages from parents.
I couldn’t believe I was given so much responsibility and was able to take such a lead and make decisions during the concert event. I learnt so much about working with people and the joy of giving others a good time, but I also learnt more about myself. I know now if I believe in myself, and my team, anything can happen.
There are not many children who will get the opportunity to sing with so many other children, with a live orchestra, in the Motorpoint Arena or perform with outstanding celebrities! Feedback we had from the parents was phenomenal and they all said how much they enjoyed the performance.