Trusting young people to fly to the moon and find their way back.

We truly believe that young people, whatever their ability or disability, are capable of achieving their dreams, goals and aspirations. For many the only barrier is their own self-belief; with encouragement through a framework of support and provision of opportunity, the sky is the limit.

All voices are heard and their contributions are valued equally by all areas of our community.

We have a wide range of age related activities and they are open to all whatever your background and ethnicity.

Our groups have diverse membership where we celebrate and enjoy differences and encourage appreciation of everyone’s story.  Understanding brings unity and unity creates a strong community of people committed to helping others.

Our programmes are built around involvement, in taking part and/or managing performing arts and events. There is opportunity to be part of a large scale arena event or to be part of the team managing that event.

Helping young people hit the right note in life.

We have no agenda apart from supporting young people to make the best version of themselves as possible and for them to achieve much as individuals and as a group.

Thousand Voices Three Girls
Thousand Voices Three Girls

Our Ethos

It is all about you – we believe in considering other first and bringing the best out in each other

Giving more than you take – Giving more than you take – by putting more in so everyone gets more out

All or nothing – we believe in putting everything we have into everything we do

Togetherness – we are stronger when we trust each other, pull in the same direction and have FUN together

Kindness Rules OK – there is no place in our world for discrimination or exclusion

Forward Looking – being positive and trusting each other inspires everyone to contribute and to develop

Do right – act with integrity and honesty using our judgement to do the right thing

Be yourself – Always – we are out best when we are free to be ourselves

Thousand Voices Band
Thousand Voices Band

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To inspire children and young people through the provision of an edifying experience to empower them to believe and realise their aspirations.  We will achieve this by embedding positive social values at the heart of our work.

Our Mission

We will build a diverse organisation representative of today’s UK rich demographic. The arts are uniquely placed to support the development and enrich the lives of young people. Through working together as a united community on a challenging but rewarding musical journey we will engage, equip, and empower everyone involved
