1000 Voice Choir – if your child is fortunate to belong to a school who has enlisted them in the choir then we can promise you they will be having a life changing experience.

Performing in such an event increases confidence and self-esteem.  They meet and learn about young people in their local area – many have become lifelong friends having met at one of our previous shows.

Safety is a primary concern and with so many children in the building we have very strict safety and security rules in place.

  1. Once they are booked in to the building they are not allowed out again – even if you want to take them out for a special tea.
  2. No one except authorised school staff are allowed back stage.  You know that you are Mary or John’s parents but the security team do not.  Space is also very limited so it is a no go area.
  3. Please do not approach the stage area before, in the interval or at the end of the show.  We understand that you will want to make sure your child is OK so we politely say unless you have heard from teaching staff or our own team then they are.  If they need you we will find you.

Please make the effort and come and see the show.  We often have children in tears when they see parents in the audience but not their own.

It is a great evening of entertainment and you do not need to have children on stage to have a great time – so spread the word and let’s make the show a sell-out.  The work the young people have done and the standard of the event deserves that.

All our own staff and volunteers have been thoroughly screened and required to undergo a DBS check.  The organisation is fully insured and we comply with all the necessary legislation to produce this show via the necessary Licence we hold.

Thousand Voices Band
Thousand Voices Band

Beyond Words Crew – this is a programme for young people aged 16-18 and it falls into two parts.

Training – which is all conducted out of school time.

It is designed to be fun but they will learn time management, teamwork, communication skills, dealing with the public, how to organise, manage and deliver an event, working with children and senior citizens.

Practical experience – they are encouraged to work as a team to organise and deliver events for the benefit of others, working as a team to represent the organisation and themselves by delivering presentations to business meeting and community groups.  The highlight of their time with us is working along the Beyond Words Team to deliver and manage a large scale event at Motorpoint Arena Cardiff.

They will gain confidence and self-esteem a sense of belonging and ambition.  They will have items for their C.V. and personal statements.  We are also able to provide references for University and jobs.

All our staff are fully screened and are required to undergo DBS checks.  The organisation is fully insured.  If you have any questions, even if your teenagers moan, do not hesitate to contact us.
